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February 21, 2012

DareDevil: A man breaks world record after balancing 23 benches on just his teeth

Li HongxiaoA Chinese daredevil has broken a Guinness World Record after balancing a staggering 23 wooden benches on just his teeth in Chongqing, China.

Thirty-year-old Li Hongxiao has been balancing objects in his mouth since he was a child.

But the stuntman surpassed all his previous achievements by successfully balancing the unusual load for 11 seconds, as audiences in the Dazu district of southwest China looked on in disbelief.

With each bench one metre long, 45 centimeters high and weighing in at 3kg, the combined weight stood at a whopping 69kg - almost as much as his 75kg body weight.

Li, from Tianqiao village in Chongqing, began performing a ‘lion dance’ at the tender age of eight to earn money for his family, the Daily Mirror reported.

After years of hard work and dedication the stuntman began to refine his performance and in 2000 he began holding up bamboo poles, ladders and benches with his teeth.

But it's not always been an easy ride for Li.

The first time he attempted to balance 12 benches, Li escaped with 18 stitches in his lower lip.

The previous Guinness World Record holder had mastered just 14 benches. Still... OUCH!



Ultimate Tazer Ball allows players to zap opponents with stun guns

 Ultimate Tazer Ball

Sport at its best is electrifying – but one new game takes the concept a little too literally by allowing players to tackle opponents by zapping them with stun guns
Ultimate Tazer Ball allows  players to zap opponents with 300,000-volt stun guns, to induce a muscle spasm which will make them drop the ball or trip over.

There have been no official games played but the sport’s creators  insist it is genuine and claim they are planning to form a league.

A promotional video has been seen by more than 1million viewers on YouTube.

The game’s US inventors say the stun guns are designed to deliver eight milliamps of current – well below the lethal dose of one amp but enough to test even the legendary ball skills of Barcelona’s  Lionel Messi.

In the video clip, one zapped player warns: ‘If you’re scared, don’t play.’ Another says: ‘It hurts, man, it doesn’t feel good.’

Only the player in possession may be zapped as teams of four compete to manoeuvre an over-sized foam ball into their opponents’ net.

There are four fledgling teams – LA Nightlight, Philadelphia Killawatts, Canadian side Toronto Terror and San Diego Spartans.

Toronto Terror look set to encounter problems at home games, as stun guns are banned in Canada.

Watch this


Bull becomes record breaker after being sold for £126,000

You might not know it to look at him but Fabio is a record breaker - the 1tonne beast has set the standard for Limousin bulls worldwide after selling at auction for £126,000

The 17-month-old was expected to fetch £40,000 before being spotted by Alan Jenkinson – one of the wealthiest breeders in the country.

The sale, in Carlisle, set a new world record for a Limousin and a new British record for a bull by £21,000.
Fabio, who gets through 18kg (40lb) of cereal a day, was raised in Machynlleth, Powys, by Welsh farmer Glyn Vaughan.

The 53-year-old denied the bull was named after former England manager Fabio Capello but said: ‘The tradition is for all our bulls born in a year to be given a name starting in the same letter. 

‘It was the turn of the letter F and I was running out of names so we decided on Fabio. I am sorry to see him go but delighted he made so much money.’


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